E-N-T Beachbunny Leach

Step #1

1) Pierce you barbell Eyes-n-Tube onto the hook and wrap a base layer of thread where the eyes are to be located.

Step #2

2) Slide the eyes into place and secure.

Step #3

3) Wrap your base layer of thread down to the bend end of the hook.  Add 4 strands of crystal flash and 2 strands of flashabou to the hook.  Add a dab of cement for strength.

Step #4

4) Wrap your flashabou foward to the eyes.

Step #5

5) Add another dab of cement for added strength.

Step #6

6) Remove the hook from the vice and peirce a length of rabbit strip onto the hook.

Step #7

7) Cut the rabbit strip to length.

Step #8

8) With a pin, pull the rabbit strip tight to be able to tie it down just in front of the eyes.

Step #9

9) Tie the rabbit strip down securely.

Step #10

10) Add 1 piece of grizzly hackle per side.

– Size 4 salt water hook
Size 2.4gr  9mm length Eyes-n-Tubes Barbell style eyes
– Rootbeer crystal flash
– Flashabou #3005
– Zonker rabbit strip white/tan color
– White thread